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Welcome to the Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El


Looking for ways to connect with other women? Sisterhood offers opportunities to meet new and old friends. We strive to provide a warm environment where all women can bond with one another through a variety of events and are always looking for new input. The very essence of Sisterhood is the notion of solidarity. We strive to support each other.

We welcome women to partake in our events and activities. We sponsor various kinds of programming throughout the year. We are looking for new programs and ideas. A few possible events that are happening soon or coming in 2024-2025:



  • Welcoming Oneg for Rav Caleb and Rebecca Brommer and Calle Schueler – August 2024
  • Annual Fall Brunch get together – September 2024
  • Gender Identity/LGBTQ+/Diversity
  • Rosh Hashanah Oneg, Break Fast, Dinner in the Sukkah
  • Our Annual Celebration Dinner
  • Annual Purim Fundraiser
  • Baking treats in the TBE kitchen for future Shabbat/Kiddush celebrations
  • Sisterhood Shabbat one weekend

Sisterhood raises funds to support the Rabbi Felix Aber Religious School and the Temple. Our annual Flowers and Greetings fundraiser provides beautiful flowers that grace our Bimah during holidays. We oversee the Temple Kitchen and assist in organizing holiday Oneg receptions.

We would love to have you join us in any or all activities. Please let us know what you would enjoy, and if you are willing to assist planning an event or have expertise to share with our membership! Feel free to contact any member of our board with questions or to share your ideas for us to pursue. We are excited about engaging with all in the coming year.


Pay your Sisterhood dues online!

You can now pay your Sisterhood dues online by clicking HERE.  Additional donations are always welcome and may be added to your dues payment.  Credit Card payments will incur a 3% service fee.  Payments by ACH do not incur a fee.  If you wish to pay by check you may download and print a membership form HERE.

Judaica Shop

Sisterhood operates a shop where individuals can purchase items for holiday celebrations, ritual items such as tallitot and kippot, books, jewelry, and more.  You are invited to place special orders, as well.  For more information please go to the Judaica Shop's web page:

The Torah Fund

Sisterhood donates to the Torah Fund, administered by the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. The Torah Fund supports all of the Conservative movement seminaries: Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam, Germany).

Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785