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2024 - 5785 Lulav and Etrog Purchase

1. Information

It's time to order your Lulav and Etrog!

With the High Holy Days rapidly approaching, the Sukkot holiday is not far behind.  Please fill out the form below to order your Lulav and Etrog set and pay online.  Alternatively, you may download and print a copy of the order form HERE to mail your order.  Please mail your check and the form to:

Temple Beth-El 
402 N Tioga St
Ithaca, NY  14850

You may purchase your lulav/etrog set for $50. Please direct any questions to or call the Temple office at 607 273-5775.

If you have a TBE Member account please login before filling out this form.  Your contact and payment information will pre-populate automatically.

Orders must be received by noon on Friday, September 20, 2024.

2. How Many Lulav and Etrog?
Number of Lulav and Etrog sets

3. Payment
You have the following options for payment if you are logged in:
  1. Click on 'Bill to my account' on the payment page.  Then pay later online or send a check to the Temple office.
  2. Pay now by credit card (please add the 3% convenience fee).
  3. Pay now by ACH e-check (if you have set up that payment method).
If you are not logged in, payment by credit card will be required immediately, (please add the 3% convenience fee).

You may also download THIS FORM and mail with payment to the TBE Office and write "Lulav" in the memo line.  Thank you and Chag Sameach!
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784